Hey guys, I thought I'd just write a very short post in celebration of world mental health day this year. Working in HR, I do speak to a lot of people who struggle with so many different issues and still have to get on with their daily work. It can be incredibly hard to do this and if you work full-time and have other life issues going on, you know how tough it can be. Last year, I had the opportunity to complete a day's training to be certified as a Mental Health Champion which basically allows me to see some of the signs of someone struggling with their mental health. The reality is that our mental health fluctuates almost every day and we need to ensure we prioritise this because if your mind is in a healthy state, your physical body will follow and vice versa.
There are many things we can do daily that help us keep our mental health in a positive state. These are a few of the things I do to keep myself in a positive mind space:
Mind your thoughts: It's not unusual for negative thoughts to pop into your head and get you down. The challenge is shutting them down but you must. You can do this with positive affirmations: remind yourself that you are wonderfully and fearfully made and are loved by so many!
Journal: taking time to make a note of the many thoughts that run through your mind is a great way to relieve stress. Plus, when you read back on it, sometimes you realise that you have been through so much already and you're a survivor.
Exercise: Now, this isn't one I do very often but sometimes simply getting out of the house for a walk/run can be super refreshing. Very often at work, in the middle of a busy day, I'll walk around outside and get some fresh air and when I get back, I often find I can refocus much easier.
Talk with friends and family: Don't ever underestimate the power of talking; a problem shared is a problem halved. If you have someone you can trust with some of your concerns, meet them for a chat and you might even find the solution to the problem you face!
In addition to doing some or all of the above, there are so many resources available if you're struggling so there is absolutely no need for you to go through anything alone. Friends and family are great sources of support but I recognise that some might prefer to seek support from someone neutral and these organisations have trained individuals who can always support you. MIND is just one of several organisations committed to supporting individuals with their mental health and their website provides a lot of information and guidance that's very useful. Additionally, if you work for an organisation, get information about their Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) as this is usually a free resource that you can utilise especially if you are struggling with stress in the workplace.
Finally, it goes without saying that prayer can make such a HUGE difference to how you deal with challenges and difficulties so don't neglect this. It's a critical part of your mental health and when you are aligned with God in prayer, He can guide you out of the darkest situations and turn your mourning into dancing!