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2022 End-of-Year Reflection

Hey friends! It's been a good few months since I've been on here but I could not let 2022 end without sharing with you what this year has been like for me. Every year is always interesting and it feels like my eyes open a little wider each year. Maybe it's true that one year older = one year wiser 😅. I recently turned one year older (🥳) and I love it here! Honestly, my initial panic after turning 25 has completely dissipated and now each year, I look forward to what lies ahead instead of worrying about what has gone past. Don't get me wrong, I loved my 20s and there are some periods I deeply reminisce over because they were so fun but I also have my moments where I wonder what my life would be if I knew then, what I know now. I don't dwell on those moments for too long because I realise that I have been so focused on following God's path, it's led me to where I am today. I have all the good feels and learning to conquer the bad feels. I know, I'm so mature, right? Right. I'm proud of the things I'm learning on this journey. So, without too much preamble, here are the three things I'm taking into this new year.

  1. Cast ALL your cares unto Him (1 Peter 5:7): this year, for mostly work-related reasons, I felt a lot of anxiety. In previous years, I've always felt like I could manage anxiety but starting a new job and dealing with unfamiliar situations created more anxiety than I was used to. When those anxious moments came, I learned to do a little more than cry and breathe deeply. I learned to seriously meditate, reflect and pray about my anxiety. This meant I never relied on my ability or wisdom to alleviate my anxious feelings; I allowed the peace of God to wash over me and roll away the anxiety, leaving me free to focus on Him.

  2. It's God's plan (Proverbs 19:21): Another year, another reminder. This isn't a new thing I learned per se, but it is being reinforced year after year. I'm learning more and more about waiting on God's timing and the rewards this can bring. I am still learning to let go of my agenda which has been ingrained in my mind through cultural influences and focus on the direction God is leading me. This means I am asking God more and more about the things happening around me, constantly seeking His will for my life and the lives of those around me. Trusting God's plan takes guts but I'm learning to follow it and slowly increase my courage to go against the status quo.

  3. Giving grace to others: I'm very big on giving and I'm always on the lookout for opportunities where I can give. What's been different for me lately is giving in the way God gives to me. My approach with others now is to give grace where possible. God gives grace daily and I see where others give me grace and I'm learning to do the same, even if that same grace is not returned. What has been interesting is how restrictive grace is made to be i.e. it can only be given in certain situations or to certain people who deserve it. I feel so fortunate to have people in my life who share the same values and also strive to give grace to others. It's not easy, and I don't always do it gracefully but every day is a new day to learn!

There are many more things I can add to this list but these three do stand out for me when I think of my experiences in 2022. It has been an incredible year and I've accomplished more than I expected, found favour in the most unexpected places and continued to receive grace from God for this walk.

I'm excited about this new year and hope you are too! All of the very best seasons greetings to you and happy new year! ❤️

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